Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm Breathing

I'm breathing deep today. Been trying hard to sort out most of the things I have on my plate. There's this thing.... and that thing.... and this and that... They all need to be done and the hard part is trying to juggle which I should do first. The logical thing to do would be to do the most urgent one first and then the second most urgent and so on and so forth.

The tricky part is some of these fourth or fifth item on the list keep jumping up for attention and it's hard to ignore them sometimes. They also tend to push my panic button once in a while for more attention from me. Needless to say they cause me to go into frantic mode and get me so overwhelmed trying to concentrate on the most urgent matter at hand.

So, I'm breathing and deeply at that too. Just hope I don't hyperventilate in the process and cause myself an asthma attack. But I don't have asthma but hyperventilating I could stimulate one. Can I? I'm just afraid I could go into one but not that I've experienced one like that. There's always a first time for everything. Murphy's Law is the first to come to my mind. I'm always wary of Murphy's Law.


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