Thursday, November 25, 2010

Just Write It

You don't have to like it, just write it.

The whole process is just fill with decisions and more decisions. What is the color of your main character's eyes? How tall is she? What is her personality? How many siblings does he have? Does he get along with them? If not, are they at each other's throat all the time? Why? What brought about this?

So many questions to ask and so many questions to answer. Some of them I don't even know how to answer.

Yup, don't like it but just write it. And if you don't like the answers to some of those questions? Change them. You're allowed to. Just write it down. Alter it later.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Sixteen Days?

I'm doing math again. If thirty days and one thousand six hundred and sixty-seven words per day was alarming numbers, the following will just blow the mind. Yes, I'm talking about something more intense and more stressful than 30 days.

If you think 30 days and 1667 words each day are stressful, then four thousand words in 16 days would be just outrageous. The image of the writer in Stephen King's 'The Shinning' keeps popping up in my mind as I'm doing the math in this 4000 words per day for 16 days. The total of this makes a 64,000-word novel which gives one room for edits, cuts, trims and polishing until it's a shining (pun intended) piece of work. I'd be crazy to go for it.

After reading some writer's routine, how they write and the writing process they go through I'll have to do some real thinking and planning. Character charts, outlines, scenes, ending, beginning chapters, settings, point of views, and lots more. Yikes!

So, is it sixteen days or thirty? Well, first thing's first. I've got to plan to plan and I'm on it as soon as I get my assignments out of the way. Urgent assignments and I'm on it.


Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Thirty Days?

I'm doing the math today. I need one thousand six hundred sixty-seven words consistently for 30 days. Then, I'll get exactly 50,010 words. I'm going to stay away from the word 'novel' just for the moment. At most I'll call it a first draft.

After the first draft there's the editing, touching up, adding, subtracting (told ya I'm doing math today), polishing and basically doing everything to get it good and great. I guess this is the meat of the process.

So, for 30 days 1667 words. Easy. Nothing to it. Just think, in 30 days you'll have a first draft to tweak and polish till it shines. Sweet. I'll let it brew and simmer but I'm watching for when it starts boiling then, I know it's time.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

All New

Hi. You would have noticed that there's an all new color design combination here. Yup, I'm changing. This blog is changing ... for the better I hope. I'm going for the darker, more sinister feel and I started with the previous entry. Take a look here.

Change is coming it's for sure. Check back often to see.

In the meantime, writing is torturous.
