Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 Resolutions

OMG! This is my second blog entry in one day. Isn't that simply outrageous? Totally out of this world I can tell you that and if you are following my blog, you'd nod your head in absolute agreement. Hurray! I broke my own record of posting two entries in one day. What a way to end a year, eh? Happy gongs are sounding loud and rambunctiously in my head because of this. Hope I don't go bonkers later : )

Ok, resolutions. I know I gotta make them . Don't know why but I'm really excited about making them as opposed to last year. I reread my last year's resolutions and it was really outrageous.

(Here it is if you care to look:

I really pulled all the plugs on that one. I was just plain crazy and it was fun. I remember having a good time writing that one last year. But I'm pleased to report that I, at least, fulfilled one resolution out of the whole bunch. I must say that it was a very important resolution to fulfill. Pretty pleased, really, and what a consolation to the year 2009.

My twenty ten resolutions are more serious this year as I'm in a serious mood today. Before I enter into twenty ten (boy, I just like saying it, twenty ten, twenty ten) I would like to reiterate some of 2009 resolution I wasn't able to fulfill.

  • Read the books I have in my bookshelf (I've added more since last year).
  • Use writing prompts more often.
  • Continue the 10 minute writing sessions. Consistency being the operative word.
Twenty ten resolutions:

  • Work on The Voice, The Call, The Warning.
  • Work on P.I. Lyn.
  • Work on The Gift.
  • Follow the plan.
  • Trust the process. I'm going to be surprised.
  • Take time to reflect and to think.
And there you have it. Twenty ten resolutions and just in the nick of time. I'll be busy baking tomorrow and enjoying myself on New Year's day celebrating the last few remaining holiday I have before I start work on Monday.

I hope everyone a Happy Twenty Ten and may all your resolutions be fulfilled. I'll see you in 2010 barring any unplanned inspirational itches to post another entry tomorrow or on what's left of today.


End of 2009, Beginning of 2010

Well, 2009 is finally drawing to an end. I went through a whole year of newsworthy items in this morning's newspaper. I laughed some, cried some, some I'd rather not know about, some I forgot and didn't wish to be reminded about and some I really don't want to dwell too much about. As usual the year had its ups and downs and mind you those in the papers this morning were global stuff. I'm affected by global events but more to the personal happenings.

2009 wasn't entirely a happy year for me. There were more downs than ups but I'm grateful that there were up moments and they were in a higher percentage on the good side than on the bad side. There were really down moments that I remember and can't help a little sob and sadness over them. The important part, however, is I'm able to ride over them and in spite of them I'm still standing grateful for all that I've gone through. I thank my God for the strength He has given me to go through it all and basically unscathed but stronger and better for the experience.

I stand at the threshold of 2010 with a bit of trepidation. There are some things I wish that will go a certain way, in a different direction or with some change in result but then it's dangerous to change the future because it can affect the past. Or is that the other way around, changing the past can affect the future. Oh well, I can do neither. What I can do is affect the present to a certain extent. The rest I will leave it to my good friend to help me where He sees fit.

So, that's about it for my year-end blog entry. Till next year comes rolling in I'll be signing off for 2009. Cheers.

Actually, I kinda like the sound of 2010. It sounds much better than 2009. Twenty ten. I like it and hopefully when 2010 draws to a close I'll have a brighter year-end blog to write.

Twenty ten. Here I come.....

Friday, December 04, 2009

Do You Have A Plan?

You got to have a plan. Plan it and follow through with it, step by baby step, progress ever forward towards the goal. Go on plan the plan today.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Write Time

When it is your time to write, write.

~ Natalie Goldberg,
Writing Down the Bones

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I Am?

I write therefore I am.

I read therefore I write.

I am therefore I read.

I am therefore I write.

I read therefore I am.

I write therefore I read.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Editing . . . Later








The Process

Trust the Process

Just do it.

Don't think through it.

Do it and discover

that it works.

No matter how slow or how little progress it may seem to you,

the writing process leads to the discovery process

and . . .

. . . to new frontiers.

More importantly . . .

. . . an unedited FINISHED project,

which is the ultimate goal.

Thursday, August 06, 2009



The only way to write.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tiny Mustard Seed

How Spices Can Turbo Charge Your Writing

Billie Williams, an excerpt from Spice Up Your Writing: Write to Entice


MUSTARD SEED - perseverance.

If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove,”

St Matthew 17:20

Mustard Seed

You’ve read, you’ve studied, and you’ve written and submitted and submitted and submitted. The rejections start coming perhaps until you have enough to wall paper a very large bathroom. Now what? Give up? You must be no good right? Reality check: There are well over 200,000 novels published a year, plus non-fiction, poetry, anthologies of short stories, magazine articles, e-zine articles, newspaper, newsletters….What of it? Where did all these published authors come from? They all started out just like you—you can bet they got rejections.

Besides all that, you are among good company if you get a rejection. Here is just a small example of some big name authors who got more than a couple rejections in their careers.

Dr. Seuss’s first book , And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street was rejected 27 times

Tom Clancy – Hunt For Red October was rejected 12 times.

John Grisham – A Time To Kill rejected by 15 publishers and 30 agents

Ayn Rand – The Fountainhead rejected 12 times

Patricia Cornwell – Postmortem rejected 7 times

Mary Higgins Clark – first story was rejected 40 times

Scott Turrow- first novel was rejected 25 times; The Way Things Are still remains unpublished today.

JK Rowling was rejected 13 times and incidentally was rejected by all the big UK Publishers before Harry Potter’s stories were picked up.

Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With The Wind was turned down by more than 25 publishers.

Daniel Defoe sent Robinson Crusoe to 20 publishers before he finally got it printed. It has since been a best-seller for over 250 years and has been translated into 10 languages.

The movie Star Wars was rejected by every movie studio in Hollywood before 20th Century Fox finally produced it.

Louisa May Alcott, writer of Little Women, was encouraged to find work as a servant or seamstress by her family.

Chicken Soup For… series had thirty-three of New York’s biggest publishing house turn the book down in the first month—Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen heard things like “Anthologies don’t sell,” “We don’t think there is a market for this book,” “We just don’t’ get it,” “The book is too positive.” And the list goes on. And you know the rest of the story. So perseverance is the key to getting your dream accepted by those outside your story.


Be like a postage stamp and stick to one thing until you get there.” Author unknown.

You quickly acquire a thick skin and become like the lowly mustard seed. In that tiny yellow seed is the potential for a huge tree. Not everyone will see that. Some will think, ah flavor for my favorite dish. A dash of spice nothing more. But, some editor, agent or publisher will see your potential, your job. Your missions, should you decide to accept it, is to persevere, to stick to it until you get there.

While you’re sticking, here are some things you can do. Ever and always continue to learn, to perfect your craft. If you want to write romance, read! Pick apart several Nora Roberts books, especially her earlier ones. What did she do? What did she have that some agent, editor or publisher noticed?

By studying other writer’s such as Nora Roberts you will see how they handled many things like dialogue, setting, pace, things practice has taught them. The advantage of reading the top sellers is, you will see and learn what got them to be top sellers. Read like a writer rather than a reader.

A sale or a rejection is the opinion of one person. Here, we are talking about rejection.

“Mistakes are a fact of life. It’s the response to the error that counts,” says Nikki Giovanni.

There are lessons to be learned from rejection. Look for the lesson. Did you research the market before you sent out your submission? Did you polish your submission until it squeaked? If there are comments on the rejection, heed them. You don’t necessarily have to believe them or make any suggested changes, but at least give them due consideration. Editors know what they like in their publications or books. If you want to be published by that particular editor, heed their message.

“Don’t send out one manuscript and then sit back and wait for results,” says Peggy Teeters in You Can Get Published. She recommends sending out a filler or two every week until your next idea is begging to be written. Get into the habit of keeping the writer you writing and submitting. Rejection will lose its sting and your chance for a sale will increase.

A few reasons you may be rejected:

~ exceeded word count/limit

~ material is too trite

~ material is too wordy

~ your story lacks good plot or theme

~ your story sounds contrived

~ lead doesn’t grab readers attention

~ article needs more facts/research

~ similar piece, current or recently published

~ subject over done

“Writing isn’t a test, you can’t fail, and there are no wrong answers,” says Bonni Goldberg in Room to Write. The only difference between a weed and a flower is judgment, just as the only difference in rejection and acceptance is in the opinion of one person.

Writer’s block may be triggered by that rejection letter or you may be trying too hard, expecting to be perfect. Let me clue you in, there is no such thing as perfect. According to Judy Reeves in A Writer’s Book Of Days, “Writer’s block is one of those terms like dysfunctional or co-dependent, that has been used to label so vast a range of symptoms that it’s lost any real meaning.” You may only need to refill what has been emptied according to The Artist Date as mentioned earlier. If you have no ideas what to do, check out Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Date book a companion volume to the one mentioned earlier, in it she gives you 365 writing prompts and things to do. There are many books on Writer’s Block and many ideas about what it is. Most of them agree it’s a call to stop, look and listen. Victoria Nelson, author of On Writer’s Block says, “…inability to write means that the unconscious self is vetoing the program demanded by the conscious ego.”

Analyze that and it harbors a seed, a germ of an idea that perhaps a new approach, a new way of looking at your work, a change may be necessary in your thinking.

As Reeves says, “…writing happens word by word, and novels get written scene by scene.” I’ll add sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph it will get done.

Again expectations—fear of success—confrontation either with the page and your ideas or the finished product and what other’s may think.

So what kind of fears, besides fear of success, could possibly interfere with your writing?


Now you can get all three of Billie's books – “Writing Wide: Exercises in Creative Writing,” “Spice Up Your Writing: Write to Entice,” and “Characters in Search of an Author” – as an instant download for a special discount. All the details are here:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hazy Days Are Back Again

Back in August 2005 I wrote about the Hazy Lazy Days (Check the archives). Well, guess what? They are back again. It's not that we've enjoyed fresh, sunny days all these while in between. On the contrary, hazy days occur every year around this time. This time it's earlier than it was in August 2005 although it's not that bad... yet. At least, there's no burning smell in the air ... yet. That's right, you guessed it. I'm not being very optimistic about the condition of our air. I'm sorry, but I can't help being pessimistic about it because it happens every year. The only consolation is whether it'll be as bad as last year or worse than last year.

They keep saying it's the effect of global warming but is it solely because of that or other recurring problem? Hot, dry and hazy. What a combination. In the meantime, I'll have the air-conditioner on full blast and hope for the best when I look out the window every morning.

Wait. Is that the thunder I hear? Can it be true? Will it rain and pour down hard to wash away this annoying haze and smog? I can only wait and hope. Wait and hope ... sigh.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Let The Books Live

This day, 9th June, 2009, "Let the books live" is born at the same time "Let the bones live" is born at a Jay Koopman youth revival meeting in Penang PCC.




Thursday, May 14, 2009

Write The Vision

Habakkuk 2:2-3

Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie,
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come.
It will not tarry.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Muse in, Muse Out

As flitting as the summer light breeze
As charged as the lightning bolt
There is nothing as satisfying as when the
Muse comes in
Or as frustrating as when the
Muse goes out.
As soon as it has entered the conscious mind and
as fast as it has come
it flutters and dances away

When I opened my eyes out of the stupor of
Muse drunkenness!
Muse in.
Muse out.
Muse away.
Into the horizon disappear
until she decides to
visit again in a sudden way
where I least expect it.

There you are.
enticingly into
my consciousness again,
to amuse
opening possibilities
once again.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Six and then You Are Done 5

Read. Think. Write.




Sunday, April 12, 2009

Six and then You Are Done 4

There's nothing new under the sun

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Six and then You Are Done 3

Breathe. Eat. Sleep. Think. Breathe again.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


In the beginning ...

1 hour of darkness.

There lurking in the darkness dwells evil. Waiting, ever waiting for the opportunity to pounce and devour that which gives it a chance.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Six and then You Are Done

Lately, fearful. Forced it out. Survived.