Monday, June 18, 2012

Chokingly Hazy

The month of June and it's that time of the year again where we are suffering from bad air quality and general discomfort because of the haze. Check this post and you can see another post in 2005 about the haze:

The people with asthma are particularly vulnerable to this and must take care. Others are advised to drink lots of water and pray it rains heavily so that the haze will be washed away.

Take care people. The days are hazardous. Sorry. Just couldn't help punning that.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Yeah, You!

YOU. Yeah, you.

You there. Yeah, you. You with the desire but no action. You with the ideas and not putting them down. You who is always churning up ideas as if they are very hard things to do. No, ideas are simple. Any fool can have ideas but it takes action to form the ideas into a whole, into a coherent whole with gaps and holes properly sealed.

Yeah, you. You who better get off the ideas plane and start carry some of the weight of creating a story out of those fabulous ideas of yours.

Yeah, you. You who dream day and night of being a writer but are not putting in the time of pen to paper, finger to keyboard. Come up with ideas, work at those ideas and finish it.

Yeah, you. You know who you are!
Now get to it. Right here. Right now!