Tuesday, October 19, 2004

One Inspirational Minute


For one inspirational minute, what can one write? Well, it actually depends on how good a writer you are or in this case, how good a writer I am. Good or not, is actually so relative. Some like it hot and some like it cold, preferences can be so preferential, you know. So, like it or not, it really depends on the person reading. As a writer and the author of this blog, I write what pleases me. Afterall, the writer is me and the publisher is me. So, it doesn't really matter whether you, the reader like what you read here. However, I would be interested to know what you, the reader, think of what I write. Although I'd like to state here at the outset that even though I might consider your opinions I might not necessarily change my writing.

My one inspirational minute is up. Thank you for reading.

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