Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Thirty Days?

I'm doing the math today. I need one thousand six hundred sixty-seven words consistently for 30 days. Then, I'll get exactly 50,010 words. I'm going to stay away from the word 'novel' just for the moment. At most I'll call it a first draft.

After the first draft there's the editing, touching up, adding, subtracting (told ya I'm doing math today), polishing and basically doing everything to get it good and great. I guess this is the meat of the process.

So, for 30 days 1667 words. Easy. Nothing to it. Just think, in 30 days you'll have a first draft to tweak and polish till it shines. Sweet. I'll let it brew and simmer but I'm watching for when it starts boiling then, I know it's time.

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