Friday, February 05, 2010

Writing the Story is Only the First Step?

How funny can this be? I found out just now that writing my story was only the first step. All the while I thought that was the be all and end of all of being a writer - writing the story. Once I've written my story I'm done. Who would have guessed that it was just only the beginning, albeit an important beginning, I would believe. No, I want to choose to believe that it's a very important beginning. Then, comes the hard part - the edit.

I've read somewhere that if we do not have anything written, we won't have anything to edit and nothing to turn into a book.

After this revelation no wonder I'm always so blocked. That brick wall that's always before me is there because I've not written it away. This is really a tremendously light bulb moment for me. I've got to write the dank wall away in order to get over to the other side. What a revelation!

The story doesn't need to be perfect yet. I just need to get it written down in the general sort of way to go from point A to B to C and finally E which is the End. So, what I gotta do is make sure I know where the way is, write my way from starting point or the beginning of the story to the next point which is B and then on to C and all the way to E.

Forget the edits at this stage. Get to E first and go back to clean the path of its thistles, briars, weeds, stones, rocks, poison ivy and what-have-yous that shouldn't be there.

Revelation moment! How succintly divine.

I've got it. Have you?

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