Where is the greatness in doing what comes naturally? The greatest joy and satisfaction is doing something that is totally out of character and out of sync with the natural but is utterly right and correct to do. Something which you want to do but have to will yourself gives a greater satisfaction when having accomplished and achieved that aspiration.
Totally bland and boring would be doing what comes naturally. It takes no effort and there’s no challenge at all to doing what comes naturally. It’s routine and mundane at some point even. But after struggling, striving, maybe with much discipline and self-control the success in the end will taste very sweet and satisfying.
So it is with writing. After weeks, maybe months, hopefully not years, of writing blocks; meeting dead ends (not deadlines, sadly) at every turn I am now enjoying the exhilarating thrill of marching forth to what I’ve previously considered unnaturally for me. Therefore, after having experienced this extreme high (of which I had experienced before at certain intervals in my writing life which is few and far between, sad to say) I am aiming to make what is unnatural for me natural. Thus, doing so will advance my writing dream.
"It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young
person, "Always do what you are afraid to do. "
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, author and philosopher
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