These days I have to wipe my glasses twice a day. Water is very
essential. Ahhhh....... relief comes instantly until I need the next cooling relief. I tell you the air smelled strange when I woke up this morning. I looked out my wind window. Excuse me, there was this strange whitish [cough] smoke hanging in the air. It looks so much like the [cough] theLondon fog when the wind blows it in. I need another drink. [Gulp] Ahhhh...I needed that.
I try to breathe [ahem, cough] slowly but the thick air sticks [cough] cloying in my throat. I need another [cough] sip. [Gulp] I need to gulp it down too. It hurts [cough] when I try to breathe now. Must be the [cough] effects of coughing [ahem] too much. Must get some mask from the pharmacy [cough,cough] when I go out for lunch. Yikes, dare I go out? It's bad [cough cough] enough indoors what's it going to be outdoors? Should I [ahem] or shouldn't I go out for lunch? I'll watch [cough cough cough] the news on the telly. Maybe they'll [cough] tell me whether it's to go out. My throat is [ahem] so sore. Water. I need [cough cough] some water. [Gulp, gulp]
Ok, it's not [cough cough] that bad the telly says. I'll just run out, buy [cough] the mask, eat lunch, see the doctor [cough cough] about my throat and come back. Should be done in a jiffy . In the meantime, I'll just [ahem] sleep and drink lots of water . I hate [cough cough] this coughing.
It's five hours since I stepped out of my house for the errands I mentioned above. I thought I could do those things in a jiffy but yikes! the clinic was [cough] jampacked with people, children, almost all with exactly the same symptoms as mine.
Two hours waiting in the clinic has worn me out. I've taken my medication and the throat is not that painful now. Those painkillers [ahem] sure works fast. Still some slight irritation in the throat though. I'm really pooped. I really[cough ahem cough] must get some [cough] shut eye. Dang the coughing's [cough cough] starting again. Water, I need [ahem cough] some water.........